Laceyville became Laceyville around 1841. It was named after an influential town resident, Henry W. Lacey. It become a borough in 1903, covering a total of 0.2 square miles of land and home to a population of 380.
From Borough & Townships - Laceyville Genealogy (
Laceyville - is a busy rural town in the northwest corner of Wyoming County on the North Branch on the Susquehanna River in Northeast Pennsylvania.
- Laceyville area was once a camping ground for the Tuscarora Indians as they went to and from the Six Nations in New York State
- 1810 Hiram Ward opened a store and Davis D. Gray started a tannery.
- 1813 the first school was opened
- In 1822 the first post office came to Braintrim
- In 1893 the town had its first newspaper, the "Braintrim Messenger"
- In 1841 Laceyville opened the first Post Office
- Laceyville became a borough in 1903
Genealogy & History: Genealogy & History (
Laceyville Map & Directions: Laceyville, PA - Laceyville, Pennsylvania Map & Directions - MapQuest